Olympia Gym, Middlesbrough

Client: Teesside University

Location: Middlesbrough

Value: £2.5m

Project Outline:  Construction of a new build extension to the existing Olympia Building to provide a new gym, indoor running track and free weights areas.  A subsequent phase of the scheme involved the enlargement and resurfacing of an existing sports pitch to provide a new synthetic all weather pitch for football, American football and rugby within Teesside University’s Middlesbrough Campus.

The scheme was constructed within the heart of Teesside University’s Middlesbrough Campus and this created two major project constraints.  Our single main constraint was the presence of underground services in and around the building footprint including vital IT infrastructure.  A secondary, but equally important constraint was the need for careful pedestrian management and segregation as the building is located on a busy north-south route through the campus.

We took an active role in the risk management of the project as the NEC Project Manager.  Through our recommendation it was agreed that an enabling works contract to divert services would be undertaken to de-risk the main build and ensure that costly programme delays could be avoided.  This turned out to be a sensible approach as further unknown services were located during the enabling works excavations.  We also worked closely with the building contractor to agree pedestrian routes and hoarding and logistic plans to ensure the smooth operation of the campus

Services: Project Management

Roles and Achievements:  The project was delivered on time and on budget whilst de-risking the delivery for the client

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